Our congress meets the criteria for Associate Professorship, Appointment, and Promotion. There is an opportunity for both face-to-face and online participation (Online participation is for those outside of the TRNC).
Each presentation at the congress will be allocated 15 minutes. The papers or abstracts you submit to the congress will be reviewed first in terms of writing and formatting by the congress secretariat, then sent to expert referees in the field. The decision of acceptance or rejection will be based on the votes of 3 referees (by majority vote).
During the evaluation process of the papers by the referees, the following criteria will be utilized:
The abstracts of the papers to be presented at our congress will be evaluated by the "scientific committee," and the responsibility and accuracy of all information and ideas in the summary and/or full text (article) content belong to the authors.
Language: Abstracts should be in Turkish and English within the range of 250 – 300 words.
Abstract Writing Guidelines:
Paper Title
Problem Statement
Research Method
13- Full-text abstracts submitted to the congress should be of similar or comparable quality to the initially submitted abstract.
14- Papers that do not adhere to the above criteria will not be considered for evaluation.
Title: Should be as concise as possible while being effective and informative (not exceeding 12 words). Since titles are frequently used in search engines, it is recommended to avoid abbreviations and formulas. The title should clearly specify the subject, field, and boundaries of the research. The title should be bold, centered, with only the first letters capitalized (except for conjunctions), and in 14-point font size.
Author Names and Affiliations: The names of the authors, their affiliated institutions should be provided immediately below the title line. Email addresses, phone numbers, and ORCID numbers of all authors must be included. You can obtain or learn your ORCID number from https://orcid.org/. Ensure that the email address and phone number provided are accurate and kept up to date.
Congress Abstract Template